A Climate
of Events
program exhibitions
Innovative Flow Solutions / Head
and Hand series
Solo exhibition by Kyriaki Costa
Opening 02.11.2019Duration 02-29.11.2019
What is the role of the human against the flow of time and therefore the natural fluidity of the environment? The project Head and Hand could be described as a study on the maintenance and the redefinition of space. Kyriaki Costa points out details in the urban environment of Cyprus that need restoration and repairs them with the help of a group of technicians.
With the main source of inspiration being the natural and the man-made deterioration of the urban space, the artist asks the technicians to take care of the object that is under “study” in any way they want to and in that way tries to bring to the surface a more personal view on what it means to interact with what surrounds you.
The initial idea for this exhibition revolved around the observation of the corrosion of the stone wall of Phytorio, which was built by Neoptolemos Michaelides. The -unsuccessful- attempt of its maintenance, led the artist to the “building” of an Interactive-Artistic action. Specifically, the interest of the artist turns to the observation of the “craftsmen”, the people, and the technicians acting in public, structured environments. Τhe aim of “Head and Hand” is to deal with the space, its feeling, its reincorporation in the contemporary environment, and how through the repair of the place, the urban space is interrogated and redefined.
The exhibition takes place within the framework of the platform A Climate Challenge, a research program that explores the ways in which art sensitizes and is sensitized by contemporary environmental issues.

...νida digna de ser vivida
Group show and performances
Opening 21.12.2019Duration 21.12.2019-22.01.2020
Marietta Mavrokordatou
Korallia Stergides
participating artists
Savvas Hadjixenophontos-founder of Fornelia Ovens
Michalis Tapakoudis-Gigantas Antaios Compressed Earth Blocks
Peter Eramian
Are we ready, and at the price of what sacrifice, to live the good life together?*
A life, that is, worthy of being lived.**
The occasion brings together works by artists Marietta Mavrokordatou and Korallia Stergides alongside the entrepreneurial initiatives Fornelia Ovens and Gigantas Antaios Compressed Earth Blocks.
This crossover proposes a speculative revaluation of the significance of earth and sun, two nonhuman agencies inextricably enmeshed with human culture, towards the potential of new regimes of perception and technologies in reconfiguring the ecologies to which we belong.
During the opening Savvas Hadjixenophontos, founder of Fornelia Ovens, and Michalis Tapakoudis, founder of Gigantas Antaios Compressed Earth Blocks, will be presenting and demonstrating their respective technologies.
A reading by Marietta Mavrokordatou and lecture-performance by Korallia Stergides will follow.
* Bruno Latour quoted by Jane Bennett in Vibrant Matter.
** Silvia Federici referring to the Spanish phrase "vida digna de ser vivida" in Re-enchanting the World.
