Saturday, February 22nd at 14:00
Evelin Anastasiouparticipant artist
Visual Artists and Art Theorists Association – phytorio
supporter and sponsor
Under the auspices
of the Austrian embassy

about the event
The presentation of the selected proposal from EI.KA's open call for the realisation an artist's book, Evelin Anastasiou’s The Birdcatcher’s Song.
The Birdcatcher’s Song. This title is taken from Papageno, the parrot bird catcher who sings, his opening aria in Τhe Magic Flute opera by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1791). The artist’s research led to her gaining access from the Berlin State Library to the original notation for ‘The Magic Flute’. There, she discovered a series of “mistakes” - parts of musical writing that Mozart chose not to include in the final result and were thus never released: that is, the material that matches their graphic representation was never ‘imprinted’ on the ears of the public. The few “mistakes” are now the basis for the production of a new partiture and a sound piece which, like a fragmented and unruly footnote of the opera to which it constitutes an anachronistic parergon, it transfers the sound of (an emotional) dissonance from the end of the 18th century to today.
excerpt from text written by Evagoras Vanezis on the occasion of the exhibition
‘A Well-Tempered Clavier’, Eins Gallery, December 2019 - January 2020